Management of Workspaces

It may be necessary for Tenant Administrators to review the use of workspaces on their tenancy in order to properly administrate them. For example, a TA may want to identify a list of workspaces that have been idle for a length of time and their associated owners. They could then contact the relevant users to discuss whether or not to proceed with deletion or hibernation of those workspaces.

From the Tenant Administrator workspace list, select the Download workspace details button in the Workspaces dropdown menu.

TA download workspace details.png

A dialogue box will appear asking for confirmation. Upon confirming, a .csv file will download to your local machine.

The contents of the file are listed below:

Workspace NameThe name of the workspace
Workspace StatusWhether the workspace is in an active or hibernated state
Workspace Created AtThe date and time the workspace was created
Workspace Last ActivityThe date and time the workspace was last accessed
User InformationThe workspaces users' first and last names, email addresses, and their user role within the associated workspace
TagsA list of tags applied to the workspace
Updated on May 1, 2024

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