Requesting a new Virtual Machine

New or additional Virtual Machines can be requested using the VM panel in your workspace.

If your workspace doesn’t have any VMs provisioned already, a button to request one will be shown in the middle of the panel.

VM Panel.png

If you already have one or more VMs, you can request a new one using the button at the top right of the panel.

VM Panel with VMs.png

Selecting a Request a virtual machine button will open a dialogue which may look like this:

VM Request Dialogue Box.png

Please note that the fields you need to fill in may differ depending on your organisation.

Once the form is submitted, Aridhia’s Service Desk will coordinate the approval and provisioning of your VM; please note that this may take a few working days if VMs need to be approved by your organisation’s administrators.

Queries can be sent to

The standard specifications of a Virtual Machine are 4 vCPU, 16 GB memory, and 28 GB temp storage. Should your project require a higher specification of machine, please contact the Service Desk who can assist in selecting a more powerful machine.

Data Science images

Aridhia also offer Data Science images to be pre-installed on any Virtual Machine in the workspace. Data Science images include some commonly used software and programs as standard. Please see this article for more information about these images.

Budgeting for your Virtual Machine

All Virtual Machines may incur a cost to your project. Generally, more powerful desktops will incur a higher running cost and this should be monitored closely. Aridhia's Service Desk will advise whether additional funding or authorisation is required before your machine is provisioned.

Please note that all Virtual Machines will be set to shut down automatically in the evening (normally 8pm local time) in order to control costs; this setting can be changed if required.

Updated on March 21, 2024

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