Navigating your Workspace

Upon logging in and entering a workspace, you arrive at the workspace Home page. Several fixed tabs are visible from this page:

Workspaces Ribbon.png

Home Page

This tab shows the dedicated workspace homepage. It may alternatively show a user generated page if one has been configured. This can be done by supplying HTML in a workspace.html file in the Files folder.


This tab shows a summary of recent activity relating to the workspace – for example when files have been uploaded or deleted. When on this page you can add notes, comments, and insights about any events in the workspace.


The Files tab shows all of the files associated with the workspace. These can be images, text documents, PDFs, SQL or R scripts and custom files.


The Database tab shows a list of the database tables and custom views that are available in the workspace database.


The Tools tab provides links to the:

  • R console (pre-configured with a broad selection of the most popular packages and can be further customised by the user to include any of the 5000+ packages that have been built by the R user community).
  • Built-in applications: (RStudio and Jupyter Notebook)
  • Virtual machines: where you can start, stop, and connect to whatever Windows or Linux virtual machines you may have access to in your workspace.

This tab shows not only the built-in apps, but also published Shiny apps. You can run your Shiny apps here, explore their file structure and add new files. You can also remove Shiny apps from the gallery here.


This tab gives you a quick way of uploading files and data, as well as generating and managing upload tokens for the workspace API.


This tab is primarily for workspace members with the role of Workspace Administrator. It gives access to the workspace Audit, which shows all of the auditable events which have occurred in the workspace. These events include the user who has accessed the workspace and files being added or deleted. Additionally, some charts are shown which give a summary of different types of usage of the workspace over time. It also allows Administrators to edit workspace details and manage workspace users. The Snapshot facility can be accessed here. Standard Users can use this tab to access Secrets management.

Updated on February 19, 2024

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