Managing User Groups

Creating user groups

The user groups tab is accessible from the 'Administer' drop down menu:


This opens the user group tab, which lists all current user groups in the FAIR instance:

All groups.png

From here users can:

  • Create a new user group by selecting 'New'
  • Delete an existing group by selecting the group(s) they wish to delete and the choosing 'Delete'
  • Edit existing groups opening them and updating their details

Assigning users to a user group

Users can be added to user groups from the user management tab.

The administrator selects the user or users they want to add to a user group, this will make the 'Assign' option available:


This opens the user group tab which lists all existing user groups within FAIR

Choosing assign will open the list of available user groups:

All groups.png

The administrator can search for the group they want to add the user to:

Group modal.png

Users can be assigned to multiple groups at the same time, at least one needs to be selected for the assign option to become available.

Once the user is assigned there record will be updated to show the number of user groups they are assigned to.

Updated on September 9, 2024

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