Creating a new Dataset

Users can create a new dataset by selecting 'New dataset' from the 'Datasets' drop down:

Create new dataset.png

This will launch the dataset creation wizard, which steps the user through the dataset creation process in the following order

1. Name and Catalogue Selection

The first section requires users to name the dataset and choose a catalogue template:

Name and template selection.png

2. Catalogue Entry

Users are then required to complete the catalogue entry for the dataset:

Catalogue sections.png

The number of catalogue sections and fields will vary depending on the catalogue template chosen in the previous section. When the user has completed the catalogue section they are prompted to save the dataset before continuing:

Save and next.png

This step creates the dataset, and the user can resume editing at a later time if required.

3. Add Resources

This section allows users to add attached files to the dataset:


4. Data

If the data for the dataset is being hosted in FAIR, this section allows the user to upload the data files:

Add data.png

Once the data file is uploaded the user can choose to create the dictionary for the file automatically:

Create Dictionary.png

If they do not wish to do this they can continue to the next step and create the dictionaries manually.

5. Dictionaries

If the user chose to create the dictionaries automatically on the previous step, they will be presented here for editing:

Created Dictionary.png

If the user did not choose to automatically create dictionaries at step four, they can create them at this stage and map them to the associated data files later.

6. Management

The final section allows users to manage the dataset settings:

Dataset Management.png

This covers dataset sharing and visibility settings, usage conditions, DAR settings and cohort settings. These can be changed after dataset creation on the dataset administration tab

Advanced Mode and Preview

When creating a dataset via the wizard, users have two further options:

Toggle edit mode.png

  • Preview- allows the user creating the dataset to view a preview of how the dataset will be displayed to a standard user
  • Advanced- allows users who do not want to use the dataset wizard to toggle to single tab edit mode
Updated on April 22, 2024

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