Cross tabulation

Find patterns, trends and probabilities within raw data by creating a cross tab or contingency table, showing the relationship between two categorical variables.


Also known as contingency tables or crosstabs, cross tabulation groups variables to understand the correlation between different categorical variables. It also shows how correlations change from one variable grouping to another. It is usually used in statistical analysis to find patterns, trends, and probabilities within raw data.


The example below shows the cross tabulation of care setting by cancer type.



Variable nameRequiredConstraintsDescription
rowsYesColumn Input. Text, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, DateThe categories in this column will form the rows of the output cross tabulation.
columnsYesColumn Input Text, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, DateThe categories in this column will form the columns of the output cross tabulation.
typeYesOne of frequency, row_proportions, column_proportionsThe type of cross tabulation summary to produce.
digitsYesInteger > 0The number of decimal places to round the numbers in the cross tabulation to.

See Also

Updated on November 3, 2022

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