Editing a Dataset

A dataset can be edited by navigating to the dataset and selecting the ‘Edit’ button in the actions ribbon. Editing or updating a dataset requires the Data Steward or Data Managers permissions (or via a custom role with appropriate permissions). Currently the data owner (i.e. the creator) of the dataset can only edit their own dataset. To edit a dataset while within the dataset page, click ‘Edit’ in the action ribbon menu.

Edit bar.png

Alternatively, if any of the catalogue or dictionary information is hovered on, a box will surround the field allowing the user to edit directly (opening up edit mode) or copy the information.

Editing Dataset Field.png

Edit mode will allow both the catalogue and dictionary information to become editable. Note that changing the visibility of a dataset does not require edit mode to be selected. For more information about dataset-level visibility and how to change it, see the ‘Dataset Visibility’ article.

Catalogue Editing

In edit mode, all metadata fields will become editable, including the name of the dataset. Content within these fields can be added or updated and saved by selecting the ‘Save’ button in the actions ribbon.

The 'Preview' button in the in the actions ribbon allows users to toggle to a preview view of the catalogue that standard users will be presented with when browsing the dataset

Dictionary Editing

Adding a Dictionary

To add an initial dictionary, select either '+' icon in the dictionary section. You will be asked to enter a mandatory name and optional description for your dictionary. The name must must adhere to the following rules:

  • alphanumeric and underscores
  • must start with a letter.
  • the dictionary name must be unique within a dataset
  • be less than 250 characters long

If the dictionary starts or ends with a space the system will add a '_' to the start or end of the dictionary code.

The dictionary description is optional and can be up to 4096 characters long.

Adding a Dictionary FAIR.png

Adding Field Information

You can then add your dictionary information in the supported fields:

  • Field name: the name of the field. The field name is mandatory must adhere to the following rules:

    • alphanumeric and underscores
    • must start with a letter
    • fields must be unique in a dictionary
    • field name
    • be less than 256 characters long
  • Field Label: the human readable name of the field. This is optional but must be less than 256 characters long.

  • Type: the type of the field, which is mandatory and selected from a controlled vocabulary of types. The following types are supported:

    • text (default)
    • integer
    • decimal
    • boolean
    • date
    • datetime
    • time (time with timezone)
  • Description: a description of the field. This is optional and can be up to 4096 characters long

  • URI: this allows you to provided a link to the concept the field represents in an ontology. The maximum length of a URI is 2000 characters.

Dictionary Fields FAIR.png Additional fields can be added to the dictionary by selecting the ‘+' icon below the list of fields and fields can be removed by selecting the '-' icon adjacent to the field.

Editing a Dictionary Name

An existing dictionary’s name can be edited by selecting the pencil edit icon above the dictionary table. A dialog appears to edit the name. The dictionary name conform to the rules mentioned above. Edit Dictionary Name FAIR.png

Removing a Dictionary

An existing dictionary can be removed by selecting the ‘bin’ icon above the dictionary table. The dictionary will delete without confirmation.

Controlled Vocabulary Editing

Controlled vocabularies can be added to datasets and edited via user interface and API. Controlled vocabularies a dictionary-wide where a single lookups (i.e. controlled vocabulary entries) can be associated to multiple fields within a dictionary.

A controlled vocabulary can be added to a dictionary by selecting the ‘list’ icon above the dictionary which brings up a dialog where first a name must be provided.

New Lookup FAIR.png

The controlled vocabulary can then be added to the dictionary by giving each lookup a ‘Name’ and ‘Description’. Rows by can added or removed by the ‘+' and '-’ icons respectively.

Dictionary Lookups FAIR.png

The controlled vocabulary then can be assigned to any of the fields within the dictionary via the ‘Type’ dropdown.

Dictionary Lookups 2 FAIR.png

Lookups follow the same constraints as fields:

  • lookup names are mandatory and must be less than 256 characters long
  • lookup value names are mandatory and must be less than 256 characters long
  • lookup descriptions may be up to 4096 characters long
  • URIs for lookups may be up to 2000 characters long

Resource Upload and Download

Resources can be uploaded to the dataset via the 'Resources' table located below 'Keywords' in the catalogue section.

Resources Add FAIR.png

Files can either by dragged and dropped into the upload panel or browsed locally and selected for upload. Files can be uploaded individually or added as a group of files. Folder upload is not currently supported.

Progress of upload will be shown when files are being uploaded. Upon a successful upload, the file will appear in the resource panel with the size of the file and a menu to delete or download the resource. The resource can also be downloaded by clicking on its filename.

Resource Deletion

Resources can be deleted by selecting ‘Delete’ via the ellipsis adjacent to the attachment. The resource name must be entered to confirm the deletion.

Resource Deletion FAIR.png

Updated on August 23, 2024

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