User Management

For Administrators, user management functions are accessible through the 'Administer' tab under 'Users'.

Viewing Users

The Users screen provides a tabular view of all users:

Deafult user view.png

This provides the following information about each user:

NameUser name
EmailRegistered email address
RoleRole in FAIR
GroupsUser group membership
Created OnDate of creation
Last UpdatedDate of last update

Using the filters on the top right of the table the admin can:

  • Search for users by first name, last name or email address
  • Filter users by role, approval status and archived status (by default archived users are not visible)

Colour coding indicates the users status:

Archived colour scheme.png

  • White = approved user
  • Amber = unapproved user
  • Red = archived user

This colour coding is visible through out the FAIR UI i.e. where an unapproved or archived user is a member of a user group or has been added to a dataset this will be visible to other users:

Archived user dataset.png

Managing users

On the user table admins have the following toggles:

ArchivedArchives the user, disabling their account and removing from the default user list
ApprovedApproves the users account, giving them access to FAIR
SearchableMakes the user searchable in FAIR

Opening the eplises on the right of the table also allows the administrator to reassign the users role.

In addition to the table controls, the users tab also has the following actions:

User admin controls.png

Refreshrefreshes the list of users
Reassignallows the administrator to reassign users to a new role (activated by selecting a user)
Archiveallows the administrator to archive the user (activated by selecting a user)
ApprovalEnables auto approval of all new users
SubscribeAllows administrator to recieve alerts whenever a new user is added to the platform
GroupsOpens the user groups tab
Updated on February 11, 2025

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