Understanding the Workspace file storage

Each workspace can store both structured and unstructured data. It can also store standard files such as text files and data analysis scripts. We generally categorise these assets in one of two ways:

  • Data is considered to be data in a tabular form, (e.g. a CSV file) or another structured form (e.g. an SPSS file). It can also be semi-structured data (e.g. a head MRI scan or a genome sequence).
  • Files are considered to be physical files that you would not normally perform data analysis on (e.g. scripts that you can run, or study protocol documents).

See the summary table in the guidance and best practice for uploading article for more examples and comprehensive guidance on how the workspace is set up to store these different types of data and files.

Where does my data belong?

The workspace allows you to store data as files on the file system, or as tables within the database. If you have tabular data, e.g. a CSV file, you need to upload this using the wizard and use a script to load it into a database table. Instructions on how to do this can be found in converting files to data tables article.

Where do my files belong?

We provide two predefined folders in the workspace for efficiently organising the common types of assets you may want to upload. The Files folder is intended for storing most of your day to day items such as data analysis scripts, office files or other documents and data. The Blobs folder is meant for holding large items which you access less frequently.

How many files can I have?

Each folder in a workspace can store up to 5000 files, so long as they fit within the limits of the workspace storage.

Updated on October 16, 2023

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