Logging in and out of Workspaces
You need to be a registered user to be able to access Workspaces. If you do not have an account, follow the instructions on registering for a Workspaces account page.
Sign in to Workspaces
1. Navigate to the platform login page through your browser (see the currently supported browsers).
2. Enter your email address and password and click ' Sign in'.
3. You will now be prompted to enter the code from your Microsoft Authenticator application.
Open your app and find the code for your account.
Enter the code at the login screen, select 'Verify' and you will be redirected to the appropriate landing page.
4. Once logged in, you will be redirected to a Workspaces homepage, where you should see a list of workspaces you are a member of. You can return to this page at any time by clicking the icon in the top left corner.
If you encounter any issues logging in, please contact our Service Desk.
Sign out of Workspaces
To sign out, hover your mouse over your profile icon in the top right corner, and click on the 'Sign out' link.