Workspaces Release Notes: 3.55

First released: 14th October 2024


This release of workspaces includes the new Audit Download feature for tenant administrators. TAs can now download the audit log for one or all of the workspaces on their hub. More information is available elsewhere on this knowledge base.

We have also made some changes is response to a recent penetration test and some small changes to some recently released features after feedback.

Upcoming items

We will soon begin working on allowing databases to be organised in schemas in workspaces.

We are continuing to work through the new UI panels and expect to release the new upload UI shortly.

Released features

FeatureTypeJira keySummary
Windows Server 22 image for Workspace windows DSVMEnhancementXAP-21261

New Windows Data Science VMs will run a 2022 instance; previously, a 2019 version was provisioned.

csv-to-datatable with TDF should set column type to what TDF specify not what type guesser suggestsEnhancementXAP-26457

When using a TDF file in the DatabaseTable creation the Type Guessing will only inform the user if type used in columns are incompatible and will not set the value.

Alter default permissions to allow all users to request a workspaceEnhancementXAP-26451

A new feature has been added that allows standard users to request a workspace. The workspace will be held in a ‘requested’ state until an administrator approves the workspace. Workspaces in a requested state do not have any Azure resources allocated to them.

Duplicate folders created when approving inboxBugFixXAP-26292

We have fixed a bug seen when approving uploads from the workspace inbox. Folders are no longer duplicated when accepting files.

Change error message when snapshotting workspace to include more informationEnhancementXAP-26216

If a user tries to snapshot a workspace that’s too big, they receive an error message in the activity panel with a link to the Knowledge Base for an explanation.

Implement quota for maximum number of requested workspacesEnhancementXAP-26026

A quota can be set that limits the number of workspaces that a user may have in a requested state. The quota for a user is an organisation setting and can be configured in the UI for managing organisations.

Notify appropriate users that a workspace has been requested/acceptedEnhancementXAP-26018

When a workspace is requested, Tenant Administrators will be notified by email.

23178_WEB_022 - Vulnerable JavaScript Libraries in UseEnhancementXAP-25881

We have updated some outdated libraries in our code, there should be no impact on DRE users.

23178_WEB_008 - HTML InjectionEnhancementXAP-25825

We have tightened up some security to stop potential html injection hacks

Implement audit extract export feature for tenant admin - phase 3 (UI + audit)EnhancementXAP-24720

A user with the ReadWrite.AuditDownload permission will be able to navigate to a ribbon drop down to open the audit extract page. These users can request up to 10 audit extracts to download. Users can either select a single workspace or all workspaces in an organization and a date range of up to 31 days.

Workspace Wakeup from hibernation fails due to pre-existing role assignmentBugFixXAP-26454

We have fixed a bug where some hibernated workspaces could not be reinstated. All hibernated workspaces should now be able to be "woken up".