Workspaces Release Notes: 3.45

First released: 27th May 2024


This release of workspaces includes some small bug fixes along with some enhancements.

We are continuing to work on our roadmap items as well.

Upcoming items

We are looking forwards to releasing the next new UI panels shortly as well as other enhancements.

For more detail, please contact Aridhia.

Released features

FeatureTypeJira keySummary
Workspace tags are not getting added to workspaceBugFixXAP-25399

We have improved validation of tag names when adding a tag to a workspace. Tags may now include a period.

Font sizes for some elements are incorrectBugFixXAP-25400

A recent accessibility update caused some text to render at a smaller size than usual in toast alerts, legacy panels, the upload token table, as well as some icons looking incorrect on some browsers. Text size is now normalised. All icons now render at the appropriate size and position.

Secrets with names that are not valid environment names are not available in r consoleBugFixXAP-25523

If a users specifies an invalid name for a secret, it will now be transformed so that it is valid.

Enhance secrets by adding description and override for environment nameEnhancementXAP-25094

We have made a set of enhancement for workspace secrets.

  • names can now be up to 100 characters in length and can include '-' in the name

  • a custom environment name can be configured to allow the secret to be injected into the containerised app environment with an alternative name

  • a description of the secret can be provided

  • the secret value can now be updated

Include libgsl-dev library to install at runtime on RStudio and Jupyter Notebooks built-in appsEnhancementAT-1869

Added libgsl-dev system dependency to Jupyter Notebook and R Studio

Code snippet from DTA not running in RStudio and Jupyter Notebook for some modulesBugFixAT-1821

We have installed some missing dependencies so that code snippets from DTA can be more easily run in R Studio and Jupyter Notebook