FAIR Release Notes: 1.53.0

First released: 30th August 2023


This release introduces a new feature, dictionary validation. This allows data owners to confirm that the dataset dictionaries match the underlying data, full details can be found here. The release also contains some minor bug fixes and a changes to the configurations endpoint.

Configurations API Update

The /configurations and/configurations/{code} API endpoints are used to update FAIR configurations. This change allows users to update selected FAIR configurations via the API using a long life token.

Two new token permissions have been added to enable this:

  1. The token can view system configuration details, e.g. the default system role - this allows users to retrieve configuration details via the API using a long life token.
  2. The token can update non-secure system configuration details - this allows users to update selected configurations using a long life token

When the update permission is applied the following configuration items can be updated using a long life token :

  1. default-search-config- set a default search configuration
  2. default-catalogue-definition - set a default catalogue definition
  3. enable-workflow-task-list-link - toggle the link to users camunda task list from the Review Requests tab on and off

All other configuration changes made via the API still require a session access token.

Released features

FeatureTypeJira keySummary
Add Dictionary/Dataset validate function to FAIR UIEnhancementFAIR-5909

This allows users to validate dataset dictionaries against the underlying data. For full details see the DRE knowledge base entry.

Token roles should be able to view and set configurationsEnhancementFAIR-7049

See above for more details